Update (10/20/21): Focusing on other life priorities at the moment! Miss it here dearly. Contact me if you need anything! :) Thank you!


Five Ways I've Found to Get Around Writer's Block

So, we've all encountered this beast before; that nasty little roadblock that eventually every writer hits, that stops them dead in their tracks and leaves them flailing about their room helplessly as they wrack their brain for something, anything to work with.

Yep, hello darkness my old friend - I'm talkin' writer's block!

Usually you'll find your own ways past this little devil (wow, I am just.. cranking out the ridiculous figures of speech today, I am sorry. If you want to know how much I've loosened up since starting this blog, well - I'm not even worried about if they make sense or not lol. Full speed ahead!), but until that happens, you're left to try every possible option, and sometimes seeing how others deal with it can be a big help.

The number of ways to get past writer's block are infinite, and I'm still discovering new ones every time I get hit with it. Here's a few that, for me, seem to work more often than not!


Tell me a tale - Campfire Tales Contest Results!

32 days - another month come and gone! Oh, but it's good to be back. :)

I missed you all while I was on break! How are things? I tried to keep up with some of you, but I wasn't as active among my fellow bloggers' blogs as I would have liked to be. I had hoped to get a lot more done over this break - but I did make some progress, and I certainly came up with a ton of new potential story and poem ideas.

Along with my return to the blogosphere, today also marks the end of my Campfire Tales writing contest that began on July 26th. Although I didn't get overloaded with entries, the turnout was better than any of my competitions in the past, and several of you wrote and submitted some truly wonderful writes. Below, you'll find the results - the victors (one per category), the winning works, and "brief" (my explanations are never brief) notes on why each of them were chosen.

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who sent me their entry! I loved reading your legendary tales!