Update (10/20/21): Focusing on other life priorities at the moment! Miss it here dearly. Contact me if you need anything! :) Thank you!

Button Swap

Grab my button! Copy the code below and paste it wherever you'd like.

Edge of Night

The blogosphere is filled with incredible blogs and inspiring authors of all sorts. Here are a few that I've swapped buttons with (or that I've secretly grabbed without them noticing—shh, don't tell)! :)

Want your blog on this page? I would be more than happy to add it! Leave your link in the comments below. Buttons are listed in no specific order.

Tip: Click on any image to be redirected to that blog.


Cape May Chic (Awaiting image)

Cloudy Dreams

Elysian Fields Reviews

Everything is Blogsome

Explorelive&love :)

My Hopeful Pencil

On the Other Side of Reality

Angel Erin's Book Obsession


Life as a Young Lady

Written in Stars


  1. I'd love to have my buttons up here Eve! ^_^
    My blogs are www.agintheshire.blogspot.com & www.thehalflingwriter.blogspot.com. It'd mean a lot to me if you put my buttons up here. =)

  2. Hey! I'd love to button swap! You will find my button on the 'About Me' page! :D
    Here is the link to my blog:

    Thank you!

    1. Great! I'll go fetch that now. Thank you Kathie, I will have your button up in just a moment! :)

  3. Hi Eve! I love this idea! I'd love to have my button up there too. I've designed one, how do I send it to you?

    1. Hi, Jaimee! Glad you're interested. I can't take credit for the idea, but it's a great little thing isn't it? You can either put your button up somewhere on your blog and I can get it directly from there, or you can email me the image as an attachment (or send me a link if you've uploaded the image somewhere).

      What you've given me in your other comment works just fine, if you're happy with it!

  4. this is my site: http://www.travelpraylove.com/
    and this is my photo: http://static.wixstatic.com/media/94fe32_3b67c6d679f6409885ab84a9c5a3af15.png_srz_p_102_98_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz

    :) thanks!

    1. Alrighty! It's up there now. Let me know if you would like it changed anytime—you may want your blog name on the image! :) Looks great as it is, though. Enjoy!

  5. I've added your button as well! xox

  6. How do you make a button?? Or I guess get it up on your blog... I've been trying so hard, and tried two or three tutorials, but it's JSUT NOT WORKING. I would appreciate some help very much! :)
    Also, GREAT page. :)

    1. Oh no! Have you made your button already? It doesn't really matter how you make your button image—in other words, if you're having issues with the button creator above, you can use any other method to make one. Picmonkey.com is a great photo editor choice for this.

      If you've already got a button made, then all you've got to do is either send me your image as an attachment in an email, or give me the URL to the image if you have uploaded it somewhere online. Once I have your photo, I will add it to this page! :)

      Hope this helps you! Let me know if you need any more help.

    2. Thank you! I'm still playing around with designing the button, but what I really want is to figure out how to get it on my sidebar so people can grab the code, if you know what I mean. :P But I will try to get it to you! Thanks so much. :)

    3. Oh! I'm sorry lol. To get the button on your sidebar, simply go to your layout and add either an HTML/Javascript gadget or an Image gadget. If you are given a code with your new button, you'll want the HTML/Javascript one. If you made your image in a photo editor, you'll want Image. From there, it's just placing it where you want it. :)

  7. I have a button now! It's in the sidebar on my blog. I would LOVE it if you added it! :) Speaking of which, I need to add yours to my blog.

    1. Woohoo! Your button's been added. :) I'd love for you to add mine—it can be found on my "About" page!

    2. Thanks for adding it! I added yours as well. :)

    3. I have a new button now! (I guess that makes us even.) It's in my sidebar. Would you mind switching buttons for me? Thanks!

    4. Gladly! That makes me feel better about making you go through the extra trouble of switching mine.. lol.

  8. Hey! I just realised I don't have your button on my blog, but it is up now! Mind putting up mine?

  9. hello! i was wondering if you were interested in a button swap - i already have yours up on my blog. <3

    evelyn clickman @ if these stars shall fall

    1. Of course! Your gorgeous button has been added! Thanks for stopping by, Evelyn. :)

  10. hey eve! are you interested in swapping buttons? yours looks ah-mazing, btw.

    1. Aw, thank you! :D It's an old one, I'm afraid, though... gettin' to be about time to redo it, I think. And I'd love to! I'll hop on over and fetch yours now.

      (OMG, ahhhh, have I ever mentioned how beautiful your blog is? And your button as well? Stunning!)


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