Update (10/20/21): Focusing on other life priorities at the moment! Miss it here dearly. Contact me if you need anything! :) Thank you!


Cover Reveal: Nightfall, My Upcoming Poetry Collection!

Hi there! I have some very exciting news to share with you today - an announcement and reveal that I've been dying to make public here for several weeks (can you imagine how hard that was for me? Being such a trigger-happy poster, and not being able to tell you all something like this? Agh, it was torture!).

I probably shouldn't be doing this yet, really. I don't have a ton of juicy details. But I do have a few, and I'll just end up blurting them out in the comments section eventually anyway. So, I'm doing it. Case closed. Don't hate me.

Eeeee! So much excitement! Let's get into it.

First Off, the Announcement

I'm putting together a poetry collection!

Some of you already know this (remember how I mentioned the comments section above? Yeah), but I'm currently putting together a book of poetry! Specifically, a poetry collection, which is just what it sounds like: a collection of the poems that I've written up to a certain point in time.

Most poems will be included, but not all.

However, not every single poem that you've read on this blog will be included. Most of them will, but my writing has changed tremendously since I first began publishing posts here, and there are several older pieces that I truly find embarrassing. I've been trying to go through and update as many of these poems as I can, and the rewritten versions will be what I include in my collection.

The plan is to self-publish via Smashwords, Amazon.

Although I won't know for sure where I end up publishing until much closer to publishing day, my plan is to go indie and publish via Smashwords, a self-publishing service and e-book distributor. I'd also love to get my book listed on Amazon, but I've got a bit more researching to do for that, and Smashwords might have that taken care of anyway. We'll see!

Price details?

You know what's great about self-publishing an e-book? Not having to pay print fees! Although it depends on which places will allow it, I'm hoping to be able to put this out there 100% for free. Amazon is my main worry - I haven't found any conclusive information that Amazon allows permanently free listings (not just temporary sales, special offers). Some folks say they do, others say they don't. So, I guess more details to come on this in the future.

The Reveal

Without further ado, I present to you...

Click to enlarge

Title: Nightfall: Two Years of Poetry

Description: Marking the start of an endeavor to become a stronger writer, Nightfall is a collection of assorted poetry written by Eve Estelle over a two-year period, from 2014 to 2016.

Release date: Planned for release on or before October 8, 2016. New release date TBD.

Due to how early in the process I still am, the information in this post is subject to change. I just couldn't hold it in any longer! (I know, I know - for shame!) But I will make sure to update this post with any such changes, or when I have more information available. Keep an eye out! *

*Please visit this new page dedicated to all things Nightfall for any further updates!


  1. Ommmmg Eve! This is awesome. I have always wanted this for you. In fact, just on your last post I commented about how great you are at writing and that you should be published. It is great news. I am really happy for you :) The title and the cover are both perfect. Basically, everything is perfect. You totally deserve this, Eve :D Yeeeees! Congrats. ^_^'

    1. Thank you so much!! :D I absolutely can't wait. Your comment is part of the reason why I put this post out today! ...Plus I was just dying to do so lol. And like I said in response to your other comment, I truly appreciate all the support you've given me here. You've helped to make this happen. Thank you. :)

    2. Haahah yeah I saw your comment and I was going to ask you about it but then you posted this and it answered my questions. Awww you are so sweet but this was truly because of your own talent. You are simply an amazing writer. Congrats once again Eve! :D

    3. Hah, good timing, then. Thank you, Heena! <3

  2. Wow! This is amazing news. I'm so excited and happy for you! Two years of hard work, all bound into one edition. And the cover is absolutely stunning! It also fits the theme of your blog quite nicely, too :) I'm really looking forward to reading it!

    1. Thank you, Erika! Yes! Two years is a lot longer than I thought I'd make it - I'm really happy to be able to put everything together like this. It's a lot of work (and I've only just scratched the surface, eek), but so, so worth it. The title was a perfect fit, I felt - like you mentioned, it ties into my blog, and it sort of signifies the beginning of my blog, my writing, all of it. It's really exciting.

      Thank you again, and I hope you like the end result! :)

  3. *squeals* Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, this is SO, OH exciting!!!! :) Congratulations, Eve, this is such great news! :D I know several people who have/are doing indie publishing. It sounds awesome. :-)

    Again, congrats!!! So happy for you! :)

    1. Indie is the way to go for many people now, it seems! Heck, apparently with traditional publishing (although it depends on the publisher), you don't even get much input on the cover design for your own book. You might be able to make little changes, but if you don't like it, too bad! That's crazy, and just one thing you don't have as much control over.

      Thank you so much, Faith! :D And thanks as well for all your support and encouragement. <3

    2. Yes, I've heard the same things! And you're under contract, so what can you do about it? I would NOT like that. ;P In my opinion, it wouldn't be worth it to have the publicity that comes along with the publisher if someone else has control of your work. No thanks. ;)

      You deserve this! *cheers* Best of luck working out all the publishing kinks. :)

    3. Yeah exactly. The wider potential audience is nice, and traditional publishing is good if you'd rather not do all of the work yourself - but you know what, if it means retaining complete control over my work, I'll put in the extra effort. Although, considering all the hassles of getting accepted, talking with your people, agreeing on things, etc., I have to wonder just how much "extra" work independent publishing actually is. lol

      And there will be plenty, I'm sure! :p Thank you!!

  4. Thank you!! :D You gave me some super awesome feedback while working on the cover. Couldn't have made it so purdy without you! :)

  5. Omg how exciting!!! Congrats!! Love that cover. :)

    1. Isn't it?? Ahh I cannot wait! Lots of work to do, first, though. Oh boy.. Thank you, Erin! Happy to hear you like it!

  6. The cover is beautiful! It's going to be amazing to have all your poems gathered into one spot.

    Carrie @The Book Goddess

    1. Thanks so much, Carrie! Yes, will be great to have them all together. :)

  7. Woah, I'm so exited! Your blog is the reason poetry has started to give me huge interest and you can see that you have a passion for it! Defiantly purchasing this!

    1. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear things like this - that my blog has been able to inspire an interest in poetry, there's just nothing better than that! I never cared much for it myself before I started publishing poems here, either. :p But working with it has made me appreciate it, enjoy it, and I'm glad it shows. Thank you, Martin!

  8. Awww, congratulations!!! :D I'm excited for you & with you! ^.^ The cover looks amazing, and I know all your poems are incredible! Definitely can expect me to dl it whenever it comes out! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Quayla! :D And thank you as well for your part in this - you've been another long supporter here, leaving sweet comments and all that. :) I appreciate it!

  9. WOW!! ilooove the cover it says Eve pretty loudly to me....would love to read that...Congratulations Eve,happy for you :)

    1. Haha! Doesn't it? :) I won't lie - I'm quite proud of this one! Normally I can't design to save my life. But I really, really like how the cover for this turned out.

      Thank you!! :D For both your kind words, and for all of your support here on my blog! You've also followed along for.. sheesh, you were one of my earliest followers, I think! Well, truly, thank you for sticking around so long. :)

  10. Whoa that's is one beautiful cover Eve. Its simple, yet soooo gorgeous in my eyes. I would definitely get this, your poetry is amazing!!! ^o^ I just love how the cover matches your blog theme too! xD & Congrats on being able to publish it!

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Cindy! :) I really appreciate that, and I'm glad you like the cover! I tried to tie my blog's theme in there a bit, since that's pretty much where everything got started! Thank you again. :)

  11. Oh my goodness congratulations!! I love the story :)

  12. This is so exciting Eve!! Congrats!! Love the cover btw :)
    <3/ Julie Ann

    1. Thank you so much, Julie! I agree - very exciting! I'm glad you like the cover! ^^

      Thanks for stopping by, and for following. :)


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